ci: run the on pull request CIs on push to master
[openssl.git] / .github / workflows / run-checker-ci.yml
2 # Jobs run per pull request submission
3 name: Run-checker CI
4 on: [pull_request, push]
5 jobs:
6   run-checker:
7     strategy:
8       fail-fast: false
9       matrix:
10         opt: [
11           no-cmp,
12           no-cms,
13           no-ct,
14           no-dtls,
15           no-ec,
16           no-ec2m,
17           no-legacy,
18           no-sock,
19           no-srp,
20           no-srtp,
21           enable-ssl-trace,
22           no-tests,
23           no-threads,
24           no-tls,
25           no-tls1_3,
26           enable-trace enable-fips,
27           no-ts,
28           no-ui,
29         ]
30     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
31     steps:
32     - uses: actions/checkout@v2
33     - name: config
34       run: CC=clang ./config --banner=Configured --strict-warnings ${{ matrix.opt }} && perl --dump
35     - name: make
36       run: make -s -j4
37     - name: make test
38       run: make test HARNESS_JOBS=${HARNESS_JOBS:-4}