#include "arm_arch.h" .text .code 32 @ Special note about using .byte directives to encode instructions. @ Initial reason for hand-coding instructions was to allow module to @ be compilable by legacy tool-chains. At later point it was pointed @ out that since ARMv7, instructions are always encoded in little-endian @ order, therefore one has to opt for endian-neutral presentation. @ Contemporary tool-chains offer .inst directive for this purpose, @ but not legacy ones. Therefore .byte. But there is an exception, @ namely ARMv7-R profile still allows for big-endian encoding even for @ instructions. This raises the question what if probe instructions @ appear executable to such processor operating in big-endian order? @ They have to be chosen in a way that avoids this problem. As failed @ NEON probe disables a number of other probes we have to ensure that @ only NEON probe instruction doesn't appear executable in big-endian @ order, therefore 'vorr q8,q8,q8', and not some other register. The @ only probe that is not bypassed on failed NEON probe is _armv7_tick, @ where you'll spot 'mov r0,r6' that serves this purpose. Basic idea is @ that if fetched in alternative byte oder instruction should crash to @ denote lack of probed capability... .align 5 .global _armv7_neon_probe .type _armv7_neon_probe,%function _armv7_neon_probe: .byte 0xf0,0x01,0x60,0xf2 @ vorr q8,q8,q8 .byte 0x1e,0xff,0x2f,0xe1 @ bx lr .size _armv7_neon_probe,.-_armv7_neon_probe .global _armv7_tick .type _armv7_tick,%function _armv7_tick: .byte 0x06,0x00,0xa0,0xe1 @ mov r0,r6 .byte 0x1e,0x0f,0x51,0xec @ mrrc p15,1,r0,r1,c14 @ CNTVCT .byte 0x1e,0xff,0x2f,0xe1 @ bx lr nop .size _armv7_tick,.-_armv7_tick .global _armv8_aes_probe .type _armv8_aes_probe,%function _armv8_aes_probe: .byte 0x00,0x03,0xb0,0xf3 @ aese.8 q0,q0 .byte 0x1e,0xff,0x2f,0xe1 @ bx lr .size _armv8_aes_probe,.-_armv8_aes_probe .global _armv8_sha1_probe .type _armv8_sha1_probe,%function _armv8_sha1_probe: .byte 0x40,0x0c,0x00,0xf2 @ sha1c.32 q0,q0,q0 .byte 0x1e,0xff,0x2f,0xe1 @ bx lr .size _armv8_sha1_probe,.-_armv8_sha1_probe .global _armv8_sha256_probe .type _armv8_sha256_probe,%function _armv8_sha256_probe: .byte 0x40,0x0c,0x00,0xf3 @ sha256h.32 q0,q0,q0 .byte 0x1e,0xff,0x2f,0xe1 @ bx lr .size _armv8_sha256_probe,.-_armv8_sha256_probe .global _armv8_pmull_probe .type _armv8_pmull_probe,%function _armv8_pmull_probe: .byte 0x00,0x0e,0xa0,0xf2 @ vmull.p64 q0,d0,d0 .byte 0x1e,0xff,0x2f,0xe1 @ bx lr .size _armv8_pmull_probe,.-_armv8_pmull_probe .align 5 .global OPENSSL_atomic_add .type OPENSSL_atomic_add,%function OPENSSL_atomic_add: #if __ARM_ARCH__>=6 .Ladd: ldrex r2,[r0] add r3,r2,r1 strex r2,r3,[r0] cmp r2,#0 bne .Ladd mov r0,r3 bx lr #else stmdb sp!,{r4-r6,lr} ldr r2,.Lspinlock adr r3,.Lspinlock mov r4,r0 mov r5,r1 add r6,r3,r2 @ &spinlock b .+8 .Lspin: bl sched_yield mov r0,#-1 swp r0,r0,[r6] cmp r0,#0 bne .Lspin ldr r2,[r4] add r2,r2,r5 str r2,[r4] str r0,[r6] @ release spinlock ldmia sp!,{r4-r6,lr} tst lr,#1 moveq pc,lr .word 0xe12fff1e @ bx lr #endif .size OPENSSL_atomic_add,.-OPENSSL_atomic_add .global OPENSSL_cleanse .type OPENSSL_cleanse,%function OPENSSL_cleanse: eor ip,ip,ip cmp r1,#7 subhs r1,r1,#4 bhs .Lot cmp r1,#0 beq .Lcleanse_done .Little: strb ip,[r0],#1 subs r1,r1,#1 bhi .Little b .Lcleanse_done .Lot: tst r0,#3 beq .Laligned strb ip,[r0],#1 sub r1,r1,#1 b .Lot .Laligned: str ip,[r0],#4 subs r1,r1,#4 bhs .Laligned adds r1,r1,#4 bne .Little .Lcleanse_done: #if __ARM_ARCH__>=5 bx lr #else tst lr,#1 moveq pc,lr .word 0xe12fff1e @ bx lr #endif .size OPENSSL_cleanse,.-OPENSSL_cleanse .global OPENSSL_wipe_cpu .type OPENSSL_wipe_cpu,%function OPENSSL_wipe_cpu: ldr r0,.LOPENSSL_armcap adr r1,.LOPENSSL_armcap ldr r0,[r1,r0] eor r2,r2,r2 eor r3,r3,r3 eor ip,ip,ip tst r0,#1 beq .Lwipe_done .byte 0x50,0x01,0x00,0xf3 @ veor q0, q0, q0 .byte 0x52,0x21,0x02,0xf3 @ veor q1, q1, q1 .byte 0x54,0x41,0x04,0xf3 @ veor q2, q2, q2 .byte 0x56,0x61,0x06,0xf3 @ veor q3, q3, q3 .byte 0xf0,0x01,0x40,0xf3 @ veor q8, q8, q8 .byte 0xf2,0x21,0x42,0xf3 @ veor q9, q9, q9 .byte 0xf4,0x41,0x44,0xf3 @ veor q10, q10, q10 .byte 0xf6,0x61,0x46,0xf3 @ veor q11, q11, q11 .byte 0xf8,0x81,0x48,0xf3 @ veor q12, q12, q12 .byte 0xfa,0xa1,0x4a,0xf3 @ veor q13, q13, q13 .byte 0xfc,0xc1,0x4c,0xf3 @ veor q14, q14, q14 .byte 0xfe,0xe1,0x4e,0xf3 @ veor q14, q14, q14 .Lwipe_done: mov r0,sp #if __ARM_ARCH__>=5 bx lr #else tst lr,#1 moveq pc,lr .word 0xe12fff1e @ bx lr #endif .size OPENSSL_wipe_cpu,.-OPENSSL_wipe_cpu .global OPENSSL_instrument_bus .type OPENSSL_instrument_bus,%function OPENSSL_instrument_bus: eor r0,r0,r0 #if __ARM_ARCH__>=5 bx lr #else tst lr,#1 moveq pc,lr .word 0xe12fff1e @ bx lr #endif .size OPENSSL_instrument_bus,.-OPENSSL_instrument_bus .global OPENSSL_instrument_bus2 .type OPENSSL_instrument_bus2,%function OPENSSL_instrument_bus2: eor r0,r0,r0 #if __ARM_ARCH__>=5 bx lr #else tst lr,#1 moveq pc,lr .word 0xe12fff1e @ bx lr #endif .size OPENSSL_instrument_bus2,.-OPENSSL_instrument_bus2 .align 5 .LOPENSSL_armcap: .word OPENSSL_armcap_P-.LOPENSSL_armcap #if __ARM_ARCH__>=6 .align 5 #else .Lspinlock: .word atomic_add_spinlock-.Lspinlock .align 5 .data .align 2 atomic_add_spinlock: .word 0 #endif .comm OPENSSL_armcap_P,4,4 .hidden OPENSSL_armcap_P