#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; die "Missing args\n" if $#ARGV < 0; my $SRCDIR = $ARGV[0]; shift; chdir $SRCDIR || die "Can't chdir $SRCDIR, $!"; my @tarballs = sort grep /openssl-\d+\.\d+\.\d+[a-z]*\.tar\.gz$/, glob("openssl-*.tar.gz"); die "No tgz files found in $SRCDIR?\n" if $#tarballs < 1; my %series = (); foreach(@tarballs) { my ($version, $serie) = /^openssl-((\d+\.\d+\.\d+)[a-z]*)\./; $series{$serie} = $_; } my $latest = $series{ (reverse sort keys %series)[0] }; print <<"EOF"; ###################################################################### # Please do NOT edit this file directly! # Instead, edit bin/mk-latest in the master branch of openssl-web.git ##### RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /source # First, rewrite all the 'latest' URLs RewriteRule ^latest.tar.gz\$ $latest [L,R=302,NC] EOF foreach (sort keys %series) { my $rule = "openssl-$_-latest.tar.gz"; #don't bother: $rule =~ s|\.|\\.|g; my $target = $series{$_}; print "RewriteRule ^$rule\$ $target [L,R=302,NC]\n"; } print <<\EOF; # Old distro's are in subdirs. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(openssl-0\.9\.\d.*) old/0.9.x/$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(openssl-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*) old/$2/$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^openssl-(fips.*) old/fips/openssl-$1 [L] RemoveEncoding .gz RemoveEncoding .gz RemoveEncoding .gz EOF