Missed a couple of spots in the update change
[openssl.git] / times / sparc2
1 type              8 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
2 md2                14.56k       40.25k       54.95k       60.13k       62.18k
3 mdc2               53.59k       57.45k       58.11k       58.21k       58.51k
4 md5               176.95k      764.75k     1270.36k     1520.14k     1608.36k
5 hmac(md5)          55.88k      369.70k      881.15k     1337.05k     1567.40k
6 sha1               92.69k      419.75k      723.63k      878.82k      939.35k
7 rc4              1247.28k     1414.09k     1434.30k     1434.34k     1441.13k
8 des cbc           284.41k      318.58k      323.07k      324.09k      323.87k
9 des ede3          109.99k      119.99k      121.60k      121.87k      121.66k
10 idea cbc           43.06k       43.68k       43.84k       43.64k       44.07k
11 rc2 cbc           278.85k      311.44k      316.50k      316.57k      317.37k
12 blowfish cbc      468.89k      569.35k      581.61k      568.34k      559.54k
13 cast cbc          285.84k      338.79k      345.71k      346.19k      341.09k
14                   sign    verify
15 rsa  512 bits   0.4175s   0.0519s
16 rsa 1024 bits   2.9325s   0.1948s
17 rsa 2048 bits  22.3600s   0.7669s
18                   sign    verify
19 dsa  512 bits   0.5178s   1.0300s
20 dsa 1024 bits   1.8780s   3.7167s
21 dsa 2048 bits   7.3500s  14.4800s