#!/bin/sh # # A few very basic tests for the 'ts' time stamping authority command. # SH="/bin/sh" PATH=../../apps:$PATH export SH PATH OPENSSL_CONF="../CAtsa.cnf" export OPENSSL_CONF # Because that's what ../apps/CA.sh really looks at SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config $OPENSSL_CONF" export SSLEAY_CONFIG OPENSSL="`pwd`/../util/opensslwrap.sh" export OPENSSL error () { echo "TSA test failed!" >&2 exit 1 } setup_dir () { rm -rf tsa 2>/dev/null mkdir tsa cd ./tsa } clean_up_dir () { cd .. rm -rf tsa } create_ca () { echo "Creating a new CA for the TSA tests..." /bin/rm -fr demoCA $SH ../../apps/CA.sh -newca <