=pod =head1 NAME PEM_read_CMS, PEM_read_bio_CMS, PEM_write_CMS, PEM_write_bio_CMS, PEM_write_DHxparams, PEM_write_bio_DHxparams, PEM_read_ECPKParameters, PEM_read_bio_ECPKParameters, PEM_write_ECPKParameters, PEM_write_bio_ECPKParameters, PEM_read_ECPrivateKey, PEM_write_ECPrivateKey, PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey, PEM_read_EC_PUBKEY, PEM_read_bio_EC_PUBKEY, PEM_write_EC_PUBKEY, PEM_write_bio_EC_PUBKEY, PEM_read_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE, PEM_read_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE, PEM_write_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE, PEM_write_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE, PEM_read_PKCS8, PEM_read_bio_PKCS8, PEM_write_PKCS8, PEM_write_bio_PKCS8, PEM_write_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO, PEM_read_bio_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO, PEM_read_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO, PEM_write_bio_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO, PEM_read_SSL_SESSION, PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION, PEM_write_SSL_SESSION, PEM_write_bio_SSL_SESSION - PEM object encoding routines =for comment generic =head1 SYNOPSIS #include #define DECLARE_PEM_rw(name, TYPE) ... TYPE *PEM_read_TYPE(FILE *fp, TYPE **a, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u); TYPE *PEM_read_bio_TYPE(BIO *bp, TYPE **a, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u); int PEM_write_TYPE(FILE *fp, const TYPE *a); int PEM_write_bio_TYPE(BIO *bp, const TYPE *a); =head1 DESCRIPTION In the description below, I is used as a placeholder for any of the OpenSSL datatypes, such as I. These routines convert between local instances of ASN1 datatypes and the PEM encoding. For more information on the templates, see L. For more information on the lower-level routines used by the functions here, see L. PEM_read_TYPE() reads a PEM-encoded object of I from the file B and returns it. The B and B parameters are as described in L. PEM_read_bio_TYPE() is similar to PEM_read_TYPE() but reads from the BIO B. PEM_write_TYPE() writes the PEM encoding of the object B to the file B. PEM_write_bio_TYPE() similarly writes to the BIO B. =head1 RETURN VALUES PEM_read_TYPE() and PEM_read_bio_TYPE() return a pointer to an allocated object, which should be released by calling TYPE_free(), or NULL on error. PEM_write_TYPE() and PEM_write_bio_TYPE() return the number of bytes written or zero on error. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 1998-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at L. =cut