# Windows OneCore targets. # # OneCore is new API stability "contract" that transends Desktop, IoT and # Mobile[?] Windows editions. It's a set up "umbrella" libraries that # export subset of Win32 API that are common to all Windows 10 devices. # # TODO: drop onecore_downlevel.lib. my %targets = ( "VC-WIN32-ONECORE" => { inherit_from => [ "VC-WIN32" ], # /NODEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib is needed, because MSVCRT.LIB has # hidden reference to kernel32.lib, but we don't actually want # it in "onecore" build. lflags => add("/NODEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib"), ex_libs => "onecore.lib onecore_downlevel.lib", }, "VC-WIN64A-ONECORE" => { inherit_from => [ "VC-WIN64A" ], lflags => add("/NODEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib"), ex_libs => "onecore.lib onecore_downlevel.lib", }, # Windows on ARM targets. ARM compilers are additional components in # VS2017, i.e. they are not installed by default. And when installed, # there are no "ARM Tool Command Prompt"s on Start menu, you have # to locate vcvarsall.bat and act accordingly. VC-WIN32-ARM has # received limited testing with evp_test.exe on Windows 10 IoT Core, # but not VC-WIN64-ARM, no hardware... In other words they are not # actually supported... # # Another thing to keep in mind [in cross-compilation scenario such # as this one] is that target's file system has nothing to do with # compilation system's one. This means that you're are likely to use # --prefix and --openssldir with target-specific values. 'nmake install' # step is effectively meaningless in cross-compilation case, though # it might be useful to 'nmake install DESTDIR=S:\ome\where' where you # can point Visual Studio to when compiling custom application code. "VC-WIN32-ARM" => { inherit_from => [ "VC-noCE-common" ], defines => add("_ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE"), bn_ops => "BN_LLONG RC4_CHAR EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN", lflags => add("/NODEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib"), ex_libs => "onecore.lib onecore_downlevel.lib", multilib => "-arm", }, "VC-WIN64-ARM" => { inherit_from => [ "VC-noCE-common" ], defines => add("_ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE"), bn_ops => "SIXTY_FOUR_BIT RC4_CHAR EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN", lflags => add("/NODEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib"), ex_libs => "onecore.lib onecore_downlevel.lib", multilib => "-arm64", }, );